About me

I am a bioinformatician who specializes in the handling of high throughput sequencing data. My main research focus these days is on bacterial genomics, comparative genomics and on using whole genome data for tracing infectious diseases.

I am at present employed in the Epidemiology Section at the Norwegian Veterinary Institute. I am also an assistant professor II at the Computational Life Science unit at the Department of Informatics at the University of Oslo.

My PhD is from the University of Oslo, where I worked on predicting ribosomal RNAs in genomic sequences. After that, I did a post doc at the Center for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES), where I worked on genomes from all kingdoms – fish, plants and bacteria. I next worked as a sysadmin and service bioinformatician at the Norwegian Sequencing Centre, before landing a job in the Diagnostics section at the Department for Medical Genetics at Oslo University Hospital.

I am also a Software Carpentry board member, trainer and instructor.

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